The Glucans of Gotham
The Glucans of Gotham, is an editorial spread for a children's magazine about the science behind tooth decay. In a comic style, the illustration depicts the Fearsome Flosser, saving the city of teeth from the evil glucans, the molecular structures that glue bacteria to our teeth.
The Glucans of Gotham, is an editorial spread for a children's magazine about the science behind tooth decay. This illustration depicts the Fearsome Flosser, saving the city of teeth from the evil glucans, the molecular structures that glue bacteria to our teeth.

This was created for an editorial illustration class where illustrators and graphic designers work together to create editorial spreads. For this project, I wrote, illustrated, and designed every aspect of the spread.

Starting as a detailed sketch, the linework was created entirely in Adobe Illustrator using a pressure sensitive calligraphic brush. The color, hand lettering, and patterns were also added in Illustrator. Adobe InDesign was used to design the layout, with Adobe Photoshop being used to create the mockup below.