Male Sagittal Pelvis

Through working closely with cadavers in a gross anatomy course, sketches were made of the male cadaver that had been cut sagittally. From these sketches, I created a final gouache painting depicting the reproductive, urinary, and excretory organs and the arteries and nerves associated with them.

As part of my medical illustration education, I had the privilege of taking a gross anatomy course including human dissection. In association with the course, there was a class focusing on sketching from the cadavers, furthering my understanding of human anatomy. This project entailed taking a sketch of a male cadaver pelvis, cut sagittally and creating a finished educational piece in gouache. The finished piece depicts the reproductive, urinary, and excretory organs and the arteries and nerves associated with them. 
Sketches were done on grey toned paper with graphite. 
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